miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Time Line - Great Britain involved in WWII

1938. - Great Britain tried to appease Germany, beacuse Germany occuped the city state of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

1939. - Germany Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia.

1939(March). - Great Britain announced that will support Poland in case that Germany invaded it.

1939(September 3). - Britain declared war to Germany, this marks the beginning of World War II in Great Britain.

1940. - The battle of britain, fight to decide the faith of Britain.

1941.- Great Britain starts getting direct support from USA.

1942(January).- Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to establish a Combined Chiefs of Staff and to the make defeating Germany their first priority.

1945(March).- The Allies won the war in Europe, Germany surrender unconditionally.


World War II in Britain

World History: Modern Times

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