viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Great Britain in WWII

Great Britain had a major involvement in the development and end of WWII. It was on the side of the Allies and together with France were the first nations that gave front to Hitler after breaking not only the Treaty of Versailles, but also his promise of stop expanding after taking the Sudetenland. It's ability on the naval warfare and strong moral coming from its prime minister, Winston Churchill, it came a time when they were the only ones left on the European Front (after France was quickly overrun by the Nazis), proving Great Britain as a major part on the Allies' victory.

Great Britain took many actions in WWII. Together with France, Great Britain was in charge of supervising the Weimar Republic, making Hitler slowly make changes to the Treaty of Versailles. France and Great Britain took a policy of appeasement towards Germany since they thought their changes didn't mean any harm. Soon after Hitler took Sudetenland, Winston Churchill predicted that Hitler was not to be trust, but his oppinion was not taken to account. That was on the European Front, on the Pacific Front soon after the Nanking Massacre, Great Britain along with the USA applied embargos for Japan not to receive oil.

After Germany's invasion of Poland, two days later France and Great Britain declared war to Germany. In June 22, 1940 France signed armistice with Germany, so Great Britain stood alone against Germany. Hitler tried to invade Great Britain by sending airplanes to bomb it, but it failed causing only that the morale in Great Britain raised up, making it impossible for Hitler to perform the Sea Lion operation. Great  stood alone until USA entered the European front eventually winning the war on 1945.

After WWII, Great Britain got a quarter of Germany and a quarter of Berlin. which was later unified with the american and french quarters to form the FRG. Afterwards, Great Britain didn't participate on a big role on the Cold War, but did allign with America's side on the Iron Curtain, a term that was proposed by British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Time Line - Great Britain involved in WWII

1938. - Great Britain tried to appease Germany, beacuse Germany occuped the city state of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

1939. - Germany Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia.

1939(March). - Great Britain announced that will support Poland in case that Germany invaded it.

1939(September 3). - Britain declared war to Germany, this marks the beginning of World War II in Great Britain.

1940. - The battle of britain, fight to decide the faith of Britain.

1941.- Great Britain starts getting direct support from USA.

1942(January).- Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to establish a Combined Chiefs of Staff and to the make defeating Germany their first priority.

1945(March).- The Allies won the war in Europe, Germany surrender unconditionally.


World War II in Britain

World History: Modern Times

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Great Britain Involvement in Imperialism, WWI, and Russian Revolution

Great Britain was really involved in Imperialism because it wanted to expand their territory, religion and culture to low-developed countries or regions. Great Britain were the first ones that started this imperialist movements and this inspired other countries such as France, Spain, Portugal, and Germany. Even with all of these European countries colonizing in Africa and southeast Asia, Great Britain was still the one who had more colonies than the others, making the other countries envious. These was one of the seven causes that were to start the international conflict, known as the World War I in which Great Britain participated as a member of the Triple Entente formed by: France, Russia and Great Britain.

Great Britain enter World War I in 1914, their prime minister at the time was David Lloyd George. At first Great Britain only gave diplomatic help to Serbia along with France, it was until the start of the great war (1914) that these countries started giving military support to Serbia who was at war with Austria-Hungary who had the support of Germany and the other members of the Central Powers conformed by Ottoman Empire (currently Turkey), Italy at the start and Germany in destroying Serbia. Great Britain did a great support mostly on naval warfare, which was almost invincible, by fighting the Germans. Great Britain suffered a lot for participating in this war because in the end, the war concluded in a period called the Great Depression.

Great Britain in the Russian Revolution:
They participate helping Russia against the Communists, joining the white army and helping fighting vs the Red Army, composed of Lenin and the communists, but at the end the white army losed, and Great Britain lost the alliance they have and the relationship of the WW1.

The Russian Revolution: Sheila Fitzpatrick – DK 265

World War 1: Neil M. Heyman  - D 521